Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break

Ah, Spring Break.

The time of year when students get to take a break. The time of year when we all get to forget our school work for a week and focus on relaxing.

Then again, maybe not.

This week I have way too much to do. I finished an 11-page paper yesterday, I'm at work today and Thursday, I have an 8 page research paper to do, a list of resources for my youth ministry class, a 5 page single spaced outline for Old Testament Theology, and a brand new Wii to enjoy (Credit Card rewards are kind of nice).

Ok maybe that last one isn't a necessity.

But really, sometimes we can just get so bogged down with what we have to get done that we don't take time to rest. Spring Break can be a nice reminder that sometimes we should stop to enjoy life. Sometimes that is difficult for me. My weeks have been so full ever since I started graduate school that I don't think I've taken nearly enough time to appreciate the life that God has given to me. But while I have important things to get done, I also need to take time to rest.

Sometimes I forget that God didn't make me to write papers and read textbooks. I spend so much time wrapped up in what I have to get done that I forget to look at the big picture. My whole life becomes about this chapter I have to read, or this outline I have to write, or this class I have to prepare for church. I don't take time to step back and look at the big picture. But this week I get to do that.

Really, in the grand scheme of things, this one Wednesday night class won't be that important. I probably won't even remember this 8 page paper by this time next year. But how I spend time before God this week will always be important. I just have to be willing to extract myself from business to place myself before an Almighty God. If I can do that, maybe he will mold me to be like him in ways I could never do on my own--especially by my own work.

May you rest in the presence of your Creator and be refreshed.


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