Happy Fat Tuesday!
For those of you unfamiliar with Fat Tuesday, perhaps you'll recognize its more common name: Mardi Gras. Most of us are familiar with the idea of Mardi Gras, even though most of us probably don't really know a whole lot about it. Mardi Gras (Or Fat Tuesday, which I will call it from here on out, as I prefer insulting days of the week in my native tongue.) is the day before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent.
As Lent is a time of self-deprivation, fasting, and repentance. Fat Tuesday is the day you stock up for all of that. It's a day of over-indulgence. It's a day of partying, food, sex, and anything else that you would enjoy in large amounts. It's the day that you spend the next 46 days repenting from.
I've never exactly observed Fat Tuesday as I didn't grow up in New Orleans nor have I ever cared for overweight weekdays, but it does precede a very interesting time of the liturgical year. Lent is a time of repentance and self-deprivation (as noted above), and it is something that I have only very recently gotten involved in. Last year, I gave up sodas for Lent. This year, I'm giving up sodas again, but I'm adding Facebook to that list.
This will be a very interesting experience, as Facebook is kind of what I do. I'm not sure what I will do with all of the extra time that I will surely gain from not being on Facebook, but I'm hoping that it will result in positive things. The first thing that I'm hoping it will result in is that I will spend some of my internet time blogging, rather than mindless Facebook perusal. And that being the case, I've started this blog "Thoughts, Ideas, and Happenings". I'm considering a name change, but for now, that's what it is. Hopefully over the course of the next 46 days, I will get into a habit of blogging. And hopefully, some of the information will be useful to you, the reader. This blog will be a bit of a hybrid of blog types. First, I want this blog to be a way for me to express ideas and thoughts, most of which will be theologically based. Second, I want this blog to be a way for me to tell what's going on in my life. Being the type of person I am, I intend for the blog to be somewhat humorous, but we'll see how that goes. Finally, I want this blog to become a medium of discussion. I encourage comments on anything because I want to see where these comments will lead.
So there you go. Happy Fat Tuesday.
And let me know if you have any ideas for a name change for the blog. "Thoughts, Ideas, and Happenings" is a rather bland name.
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